New York lost some of its sparkle on June 25th with the passing of legendary photographer, Bill Cunningham. Long before street fashion blogs became popular, Bill was riding his bicycle around town, snapping pictures of fashionable New Yorkers from all walks of life. His weekly On the Street column for the New York Times delightfully chronicled New York style in all its variety and quirkiness. Bill seemed to be everywhere: at 5th Avenue & 57th Street (his favorite haunt) or at any parade or event where interestingly dressed people might make an appearance. I will miss spotting him around the city, wearing his “official” uniform of blue French worker’s jacket, khaki pants and a smile of pure joy in his work. If you haven’t seen it, make sure to check out the wonderful documentary film, “Bill Cunningham New York.”

Loved your article on Bill and we have lost a real icon of NYC. His documentary was very interesting and inspired me to paint fashion. Thank you Beverly for sharing.
Kindest regards
Sherry Harradence
Hi Sherry,
How wonderful that the Bill Cunningham documentary inspired you to paint fashion!
Best wishes with your creative endeavors.